What's Happening at 

Father's House Elim Church 

Sunday Mornings 

9.45am for prayer, 10.00am for refreshments, 10.30am for family service 

2nd March - Rev Ian McLean; Discipline of Generosity #3
9th March - Rev Des Deehan; Discipline of Prayer #1
16th March - Rev Des Deehan; Discipline of Prayer #2
23rd March - Rev Des Deehan; Discipline of Prayer #3
30th March - Fen Deehan; Discipline of Prayer #4 (?) 

Weekly meetings

Craft Club - Tuesdays 11am-1pm in cafe (Ellen Thurlow) 

Worship team - Tuesdays 7pm in church hall (Tim Robinson)

Ladies’ group - Wednesday 7pm at Fetterman’s (Sarah Fetterman)

Men’s group - Wednesday 7.30pm in the lounge (Rev Des Deehan) 

Community Cate - Thursdays 12.00pm -1.30 in cafe (Ellen Thurlow) 

Seedbed - Thursday 7pm in the lounge and on zoom (Rev Des Deehan)

Monthly Events and Announcements (Ask Des for more Info) 

Saturday 8th March - Breakfast & Devotion at Truck Haven at 9.30am

Wednesday 19th - first evening of a 5 week weekly lent course about prayer. Join us in the church hall at 7pm. 

Easter Sunday will include our next baptism service. If you are thinking about being baptised, please talk to Pastor Des.